About Me

With over 20 years of experience in web development and multimedia programming I successfully managed various web projects, utilizing technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and WordPress to create engaging and responsive digital content. Working with companies such as Celcorp, CHUM TV, Acess Media Group, CTV, and London Drugs.


I have worked coding and/or designing many websites over my career. Below is a partial list of sites:

London Drugs

ldinsurance.ca, greendeal.ca, tld.com, londondrugs.com, londonair.com, customworks.ca, and blogs.

CHUM TV / Access Media Group

booktelevision.com, clt.ca, courttvcanada.ca, accesslearning.com, distributionaccess.com

Landing Pages

Below are select examples of landing pages that I have worked on at London Drugs. Much of the initial designs were in collaboration with in-house or external designers.

Email Campaigns

Some examples of email campaign projects created for London Drugs.


A collection of other works like Flash objects and React experiments.

JavaScript Experiments

React Experiments